Club Information

Repton Boxing Club Review, Joining Proceedure and Opening times 2018/19

Repton Boxing Club is the oldest established Boxing Gym in the country. The club is affiliated with the A.B.A. and is a Gym for serious, Competitive Amateur Boxing and not to be confused with the type of  Boxing classes provided by leisure centres. The Gym oozes energy and character and is has been the birthplace of over 500 National champions. The standard of Boxing is of international standard, competitive  and is definitely not a place for the PC Brigade or faint hearted.

Hence the Club's Motto ‘Non Viscara…Non Gloria’ (No Guts...No Glory)

There are no Beginners classes or Box-to keep-fit Classes which have become trendy in recent years at Leisure centres and Gyms which have sprung up to cater for keep fit enthusiasts. We do not have these facilities, which would create overcrowded conditions and is not what the club is about. Ladies Boxing has been introduced to the club recently and Ladies Beginners classes are Saturday afternoons at 1.30 pm. Experienced Championship ladies are able to train week day evenings after consultation with head coach.

If you are an Amateur Boxer and feel you can progress no further at your existing club, feel free to come along to The Repton to have a chat with one of our coaches about your situation. We welcome any young boxer who has the potential, determination and hunger to become a high achiever in Amateur Boxing.

Any new members over the age of 17, wanting to Join The Repton should come along to the club on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday between 5pm & 7;30pm, to consult with Senior Coach first, before commencing any training session.At the time of writing this (2018) The SENIOR SECTION IS CURRENTLY FULL....THERE IS A WAITING LIST...

More Club Information

Juniors who want to join the club, between the Age of 10 and 16 should come along on a Tuesday or a Thursday between 4:30 -7:30pm to see Head Junior Coach....At the time of writing this info October 2017...We are currently Full to Capacity in the Junior Section...NO MORE JUNIORS PLEASE...WAITING LIST FULL ALSO...

We have a Saturday Morning Nursery for 8-10 year olds, which usually opens between 10:30am and 1pm...This is very busy and there is currently a waiting List. Anyone who would like their boys to join, should come along to the club and see the Saturday morning Coach.

Our Senior head coach Tony Burns has been at the club for over 45 years, has been to 10 Olympic games with Repton Boxers and has been awarded an MBE by the Queen for his services to Amateur Boxing. Between them Our Coaches have over 200 years of valuable experience to pass on to Club Members who have what it takes to become Champions !

THE CLUB DOES NOT GIVE BOXING COURSES OR ONE OFF BOXING LESSONS & SESSIONS ...All Boxers Selected to join the club will be expected to start sparring and make a commitment to the club, to represent the club as a Repton Boxer. From that time you will be expected to start paying subs as an official member of the club. The current membership ( prices as at September for 2017/18 Season) are £80 per year JUNIOR and £120 per year SENIOR.

Weekly programme for season 2018/19

  • Mon/Wed/Fri 4.30- 7.30 pm Seniors (17-28 years of age)
  • Tue & Thur 4.30 - 7.30 pm Juniors (11-16 years of age)
  • Sat 10:30 am - 1pm Nursery (8-10 years of age)
  • Ladies beginners Sat afternoons from 1.30pm
  • Mon & Weds & Fridays - 5.30pm-8pm Competing Ladies Head Coach Kellie Omer
  • Sun 10.30 am - 1.30 pm General use for all Boxers preparing for competitions etc.


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