'10 Rounds with Repton BC'...This week former Repton Boxer & Current Senior Coach Gary Cooke

Every week we will be asking Repton Boxers, current and from past years, to answer 10 quickfire questions about Boxing. This week former Repton Boxer & Current Senior Coach Gary Cooke will be in the firing line for  '10 Rounds with Repton BC'.



1.WHO IS BEST BOXER OF ALL TIME     G.C.   ‘Muhammad Ali.’


2.  BEST FIGHT YOU HAVE SEEN     G.C. Alexis Arguello v Ayron Pryor (1)



G.C.  Floyd Mayweather



4. HOW MANY FIGHTS HAVE YOU HAD    G.C.  About 60 plus


5.WHERE WAS YOUR BEST FIGHT     G.C.   The Cafe Royal 1976 London Feds Finals.  I was presented with Varity club Award for fight of the night.  


6. WHO WAS YOUR TOUGHEST OPPONENT    G.C.  Gary Williams from Barking Boxing Club.


7. WHY DID YOU TAKE UP BOXING    G.C.  To  toughen up and channel my aggression.


8. WHAT HAS BOXING TAUGHT YOU     G.C.   Boxing has taught me discipline, respect and given me confidence.


9. WHY DO YOU LIKE BOXING    G.C.    I like amateur  Boxing more than pro. I would like to see boxers slipping shots more, blocking & parring like they did years ago, get rid of the headgear & bring the art back into boxing.

10. IF YOU DIDNT BOX WHAT OTHER SPORT WOULD YOU DO?     G.C.  I would like to have played squash.     Thanks  Mark that's my 10 rounds, have a good one.


By Tech Prastish Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd


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