12 Repton Boys in 2013 Junior ABA's

So far this season we have enjoyed some success and produced some worthy Champions. Now it s the turn of the Juniors to show us what they can do in this years Junior  ABA's.

We have 12 entries for the preliminaries this year. The boxers competing are listed below :

Myley Doran, Jimmy Smith, Alfie Smith, Billy Beer, Jordan Flynn, Callum Ede, Sunny Edwards, Harvey Horne, Reggie Thrower,Andreas Wallace, Joe Keller and James Branch

The venue for this years preliminaries is Hayes Working Men's Club,
Pump Lane,
UB3 3NB.

Times TBC, for more information contact the London ABA: 020 7252 7008.


On 26th April we will be staging our Annual Open Class Junior/Senior Show at East Ham working mans club

The Address for the venue is:

East Ham Working Men's Club
2 Boleyn Road
London,E6 1QE
Phone: 020 8472 0712


Finally on the 3rd May we will be sending a Squad of Boxers to Sunderland for the reurn match against Sunderland.

We wish all our boys the Best of Luck in the ABA Championships this year. Details of all results will be posted on this Blog site.

By Tech Prastish Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd


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