Semi Finals at Portsmouth Saturday & Sunday

The Repton Junior 'Super Squad' of 13 Boxers travel to Portsmouth this weekend to break more records in the National Schools semi-Finals.

The following 6 boys will be boxing on Sat 16th Feb...

John Lee, Rakim Tatou, Jamil Khan, Henry Turner, Levi Lee and Tommy Ball ...Weigh-in will be between 4:30-6:30pm..Boxing commences 7pm

Adaam Hussain gets a bye into the Final

On Sunday 17th Feb...The following boys will be boxing

Jessie Beck, Ben Gentle, Michael Oats, Jessie Dean Harris, Levi Coates and Paddy Ward...Weigh-in will be between10am & 12 Midday

Boxing estimated to start between 12;30 - 1pm

The Venue is The Charles Dickens Centre, lake road, Portsmouth, PO1 4DY 

This Junior squad of 13 boys have performed a remarkable feat to achieve this marvellous record for the Club and their trainers. We congratulate them and wish them the Best of Luck for the weekend !

By Tech Prastish Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd


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