Charity Show at Manor of Groves Hotel

Tonight Monday March 4th,  Senior Coaches Gary Cooke & Gary McCarthy will be taking 5 Repton Boxers to box at a Star Studded Charity Show at  the Presidents Sporting Club Charity Boxing show hosted by Frank Bruno at The Manor of Groves Hotel in Sawbridgeworth, Herts.where they will be raising money for disabled children.  Just before the show a Press conference at The hotel will commence, with Former World Champ Steve Collins promoting his comeback fight with The Legendary Roy Jones. The boys will be boxing in front of former World Champs & Boxing Legends John Conteh, former Repton Legend John.H.Stracey, Colin McMillon and Frank Bruno.

The following boys will be representing the club... Tim Abattel - Middleweight,  Aaron Osbourne - Middleweight, Alec Campbell - Light Heavyweight, Robert Wells - Light Middleweight and George Lazarides - Light welterweight.

We wish all the boys the best of luck. Results of the show will be revealed later on during the week.

By Tech Prastish Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd


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