We are pleased with our new Website which is very up to date and dynamic. We have a very Active interlinked social media network with ‘Facebook’ and ‘Twitter’ which you can access by just clicking on the Icon Buttons on our Front page. We welcome anybody, friends or former members of the Repton Family, who may have any old Archive pictures that we can put up in our Archive photo Galleries. If we have missed anyone out in our vast back catalogue of Boxing records, on our 'Roll of Honour' Lists, please write in and tell us.

 At last, we have an ‘Official Merchandise’ Link which you can click on if you have any interest in acquiring some of our ‘Limited Edition’ Merchandise. Just simply click on the ‘Repton1884 Clothing Range’ Icon to register your Name and email address on being kept posted on future ‘Limited Edition’ apparel. At the moment we have available Vests, Tee-Shirts, Hoodies and Tracksuits. More items will be added in the future

If you want to order any ‘Limited Edition’ Vests, Tees or Tracksuits simply send an email to info@reptonboxingclub.com Stating your Name, Home Address, Phone number, Age, Size, what item you require & email address.     We will be in touch.

By Tech Prastish Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd


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