...Juniors Win Well for Repton

The Repton Junior Squad proved they can do Well for the club with 10 out 12 going through to the next round of The 2013 Junior ABA's.

The Full results and weights of our boxers are listed below :

Myley Doran 50 kgs...Winner

Jimmy Smith 63kgs...Winner...Boxed twice won twice

Alfie Smith 70 kgs...Winner

Billy Beer 57 kgs...Winner

Jordan Flynn 63 kgs...Winner

Callum Eade 54 kgs...Lost

Sunny Edwards 48kgs class 5...Bye

Harvey Horne 48 kgs class 6...Bye

Reggie Thrower 54 kgs ...Bye

James Branch 86 kgs... Bye

Andreas Wallace 60 kgs...Lost

Joe Keller 66 Kgs...Winner...Boxed twice won twice


Well Done to those boys who got through...Boxed well won well!   Unlucky to those boys who got beat...they go on to gain the strength to win next time!

...The next round of the Junior ABA's will beat Feltham in 2 weeks time on Sunday 28th April

By Tech Prastish Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd


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