Although this generation is undoubtedly too young to remember, the world was crazy about boxing throughout the 1970s and well into the 90s. With real life champions like Muhammad Ali and award-winning underdog tales on the big screen like Rocky, boxing was in the air and there were kids in every tough neighborhood in the country pounding the heavy bag at the gym.

A lot of the world has obviously changed today, and whether it’s for glory in the ring or for self-defense, the art of pugilism has taken somewhat of a back seat to more popular and undisciplined forms of boxing, like cage fighting and unlicensed boxing. However, millions out there are still trying to learn good old-fashioned boxing, and thus they need some beginning techniques. In this article, you’ll read about some techniques to try out if you’re a beginning boxer.

Boxing Moves Every Beginner Should Know

Getting the Right Stance

Put your feet together and stand up straight. Now have someone hit you in the chest. (With gloves on, of course.) What’s going to happen? You’re going to fall like a dead tree in a storm, all because your balance is off. In boxing, it doesn’t matter how hard you hit, how quick you move or how long you can last. If your stance isn’t rock solid, the first little jab to even hit your guard is going to send you stumbling back, and if you’re off balance, you’re going down !

To work on getting the right stance, you must work on keeping your feet positioned. Stand on the balls of your feet and keep your strong foot behind you (for right-handed people, the right foot, and vice versa), with your opposite foot playing the lead. Whether hitting the heavy bag, the speed bag, or even walking through the grocery store, practice walking like this, with your feet about 24 to 30 inches apart.

Jabbing in front of the Mirror

Every boxer must learn a straight jab. It’s an incredibly important tool. The fist should come out turning counterclockwise about 45 degrees from the chest to its point of impact. It has to be quick – it has to slip in and snap. And before you can throw it at anyone, you have to know how to throw it. This is where techniques like mirror or shadow boxing come into play. Watch yourself in the mirror . Using the correct stance, stand in front of the mirror, with your fists rested near your chest under your chin, and start throwing jabs.

Jabs in boxing set up the hooks and uppercuts and other power punches that most amateur boxers dream of landing. Jabs also keep opponents back and can work as a great defense just as much as a potent offense. So take your time to learn the jab.

Marathon Man

Although this is the third and last technique covered in this Blog, beginning boxers should only have to work on three things to start. Their stance, their jabbing, and their stamina. Speed and power can always be worked in later – technique is important right away, and thus stamina is needed. You can stand correctly and throw the most picturesque jab in history, but if you’re sucking wind after 2 rounds, you’re going down in 3. Never fail to focus on your conditioning. Always work on improving your cardio. You should be Skipping, running laps, doing Burpees , squats, and sparring in the ring. You want to work at least 100 rounds for every 1 round you’re going to fight.

As stated above, there are a lot more than three techniques you’ll have to learn, but these three can get you started. Knowing how to stand, how to punch and how breathe in the ring will give you a puncher’s chance. Defense and speed and power and overall technique will be honed as you proceed.

By Tech Prastish Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd


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