…NOVICES FINALS - 20th/21st October...

This week at The Novices Semi-finals & Finals which are taking place at The T.A.Centre Baring Rd, Grove Park. London SE12  on Sat 20th Oct and Sunday 21st Oct

From The Repton, we have 3 boys in the Semi-finals on Saturday 20th, John Grim, Laurence Ollie and Tim Ablette who will be fighting for a place for the Finals, which take place the following day on Sunday.


In the Finals on Sunday we have two boys already in the Finals. They are Ohara Davies and Joe Seabrook.

The Weigh-in is between 10am and 12 Midday. The Boxing Commences at 12:30pm.

Please come along and support our Boxers, but more importantly, Support Amateur Boxing !

By Tech Prastish Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd


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