…Hancock Box Cup November 2012..Update

 This year we have a team of 12 boys from our Junior section, Flying out to Skive Denmark to compete in The 2012 ‘Hancock Box Cup’ on the 9th10thand 11thNovember.

The tournament will take place at The Resen Sports Hal, in Skive.

Again this year, it will be possible for family and friends to see the fights on ‘LiveTV’ . Go to http://www.livesporttv.dk/ It is possible to watch the fights after they have taken place, on replay mode.

Those boys are as Follows… Jessie Beck 42 kgs, Peter Protain 57 kgs, Jesse Dean Harris 60kgs, Ben Gentle 56 kgs, Michael Oats 34 kgs, Levi Lee 38 kgs, Robert Beck 48 Kgs, Noah Stanley 44kgs, Rakim Tatou 35 kgs Levi Coates 40 kgs, Tyrane Wynter 52 kgs and Gary Haffenden 33 kgs.

This is an Annual Event in which our boys take on other Junior International Boxers to compete for Bronze, Silver and Gold Medals.There will also be Cups to the Best Club, The Best Boxer and The ‘Best pound for pound’ Boxer and the Best Technical Boxer !

We wish our team the Best of Luck and a safe Journey !

By Tech Prastish Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd


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