'10 Rounds with ReptonBC'...with Dave Odwell

Dave Odwell comes from a Boxing Dynnasty. His Brother The 'Legendary' George Odwell trained hundreds of Champions over the years at The Repton and his Dad George had over 300 fights and held a record for 114 Knockouts. Dave represented England many times and was Olympic Team Captain at The Montreal Olympics in 1976.  This week we catch up with Dave and offer him a chance to have '10 Rounds with Repton BC' ...Seconds out, Round one !

1.WHO IS BEST BOXER OF ALL TIME... D.O. No brainer, all due respect to everyones opinion, Sugar Ray Robinson. Just watch some old videos!

2. BEST FIGHT YOU HAVE SEEN...  D.O.  ..Haha..you got me there...I've seen so many good fights, too many to mention, amateur and pro.


4. HOW MANY FIGHTS HAVE YOU HAD ...D.O. ..Not too sure around 120

5.WHERE WAS YOUR BEST FIGHT... D.O. ...The Royal Albert Hall

6. WHO WAS YOUR TOUGHEST OPPONENT...D.O. ... Some nutcase called Steadman at the ABA quarter finals, Hull. He Just loved having a scrap !

7. WHY DID YOU TAKE UP BOXING... D.O. ..Boxing is a Family tradition

8. WHAT HAS BOXING TAUGHT YOU... D.O. ...Self discipline, humility and respect for others

9. WHY DO YOU LIKE BOXING... D.O. ...It's in my DNA !

10. IF YOU DIDNT BOX WHAT OTHER SPORT WOULD YOU DO ? ... D.O. ..Probably Football, I'm too big for a jockey !

...Thanks for your time Dave, Give our best wishes to George and the Family ..See you at the next 'ExRepton Boxers Re-union Party' in the New year !

Check out this link for Recent pics of Daves 60th Birthday/Boxers Re-union ...go to  https://reptonboxingclub.com/image-galleries/dave-odwells-60th-birthday-party-celebration


By Tech Prastish Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd


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