Annual May Dinner/Boxing tickets at The Brewery Now Available


 We are pleased to announce that our Annual May Boxing/Dinner Show, tournament against Belfast will take place this year on Friday 17thMay, 2013 at The Brewery, Chiswell Street, London EC1Y 4SD

This year’s Annual Boxing/Dinner Show promises to be an exciting evening of Boxing, showing off our National Champs and future hot boxing prospects !

Ticket price for this Event will remain the same as last year at £100 per person. Tables of 8, 10 & 12 are available. As usual Dress code is Black tie or regular Suit & tie . Order of the evenings events/times /Details will be finalised and released in the coming weeks.

If you would like to book a table please could you let us know as soon as possible as this event sells very quickly and there is only a limited amount of tables at this venue. We would require a deposit of £60 per person on reserving a table and the balance by 3rdMay, 2013. Cheques to be made payable to ‘Repton Boys Club’ and sent to 2/10 Ezra St, London, E2 7RH

Please do not hesitate to contact Myself at or our club sec Christine Veatrite on 0207 739 8567 or If you require any further information about the show or direct payment details.

May we take this opportunity to say your kind support is very much appreciated and without you The Repton would not be able to be one of England’s top amateur boxing clubs. We do hope you will be able to support us again this year !

We look forward to hearing from you

Best Wishes

Mark Newman

Repton Boxing Club

By Tech Prastish Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd


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