Repton Vs Sunderland Dinner/Boxing Show

The 16th Annual Repton Dinner/Boxing show at The Prince Regent Hotel, Manor Rd, Chigwell Essex, has almost sold out !

However we do have 2 tables left.

This years Tournament is between ReptonBC and Sunderland Select which promise's to be a cracking show !

Tickets are £60 each & includes a 3 course Dinner/Boxing/Auction. As usual it is a Black tie/Suit &tie function & Ladies are welcome.

Tables can be for 8/10/12 Dinner Guests. If you do not require a table but want to just watch the Boxing, tickets are £10 Adult & £5 for under 16's.

If you want a table or tickets, please contact the club on the following address & Tel Numbers

Call Barry Davenport on 07951 577 755

or Club Landline Tel 0207 739 3595
(during club opening times Mon - Fri 4:30pm-7:30pm)

By Tech Prastish Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd


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