2 New London ABA Champs & Belfast Trip

Congratulations to our 2 New London Champs...

Chris Ali... at Under 57kgs

Sam McNess ... at Under 67 kgs

Both boys Boxed well and won well. Disappointment for Umar Sadiq, Simon Lewis & Romario Wallace who lost thier bouts, but carry on to box another day!

We have our team in place for the Belfast tournament. The Squad will be travelling to Belfast on the 21st March, Boxing on the 22nd and returning on the 23rd. The team is as follows ...Team Captain Ryan Pickard, Lawrence Okoele, Bobby Foreman, Tommy Tear, Jordan Blake, Steve Addison, Robert Garvey, Michael Dymitrshak and Karol Ozimkowski.

We wish them all the best of Luck.

On Sunday 24th The ABA Senior quarter Finals will be taking place at Harlow Stadium, The Pinnacles Roydon Rd, Harlow, CM19 5DY
01279 426804

The Weigh-in is between 12 midday and 2pm...Boxing Commences at 2:30pm tickets on the door £15

Our Featherweight Champ Chis Ali will be boxing, but Sam McNess gets a bye to the Semi-Finals which will be on 6th April at the T.A.Army ABC, Napier house, Grove Park, Baring Rd, SE12 0B8...weigh-in 11am - 1pm (No Under14's) 

Best of Luck to Chris Ali on Sunday...come along to Harlow to support the club and Amateur Boxing !

By Tech Prastish Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd


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