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14 May
...5 Repton Champs prepare for ABA Semi-Final !
Repton Boxers are preparing for a busy weekend! On Friday May 17th we have our 30th Annual Dinner/Boxing show at The Brewery , Chiswell st EC1. The very next morning a squad of 5 boxers, coaches & officials will be making a dash down to Portsmouth for the weigh-in of The Junior ABA Semi-Finals.
On Friday night at The Brewery, the scheduled programme is listed Below :
Reception - 6 pm
Dinner - 6:45pm
Parade - 7:50pm
Boxing - 8:10pm
Interval / Auction - 9:10pm
Boxing - 10 pm
Auction -11 pm
Carriages - 12:30 am
On Saturday and Sunday we have the Semi-finals of the Junior ABA's in Portsmouth...Details below
Junior ABA Semi finals - South
Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 May 2013
Heart of Portsmouth Boxing Academy
Greetham Street
Weigh-in: 10am-12pm Boxing 12.30 (two rings in operation)