Weekly Blog…NABC London & Regional Finals 28th October


We had 3 winners at The NABC London & Regional Finals at Harlow Greyhound Stadium, yesterday.


First Repton Boxer of the evening, Billy Beer beat Daniel Barode from The Fisher club on points, in a cracking bout.  

Next up Kwaku Sarpong in good form beat Lewis Stanley from Dale youth, in good close contest, on points.


Last on the Bill, looking in great shape, was Jordan Blake. He came out in the first round to dominate the fight right from the off. Jordan won his bout on a first round stoppage after his opponent Taofeek Maja, took 3 standing counts !


In all, including the Boxers that got by's into the next stage of the NABC's we had a grand total of 8 London Champions !


Jamie Branch, Harvey Horne, Sunny Edwards, Jordan Flynn and Reggie Turner will be competing in the next stage of the NABC's, which will be staged back at the Harlow venue on Sunday 11th November.

Photo's of our boys, from this event can be seen by clicking on to the 'Photo Gallery' section of this website.

Well done boys...another Great Achievement for Repton Boxing Club 'The Home of Champions'

By Tech Prastish Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd


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