Repton set New Record at the NE Division Schoolboys!

On Saturday at the NE Divs of the National Schoolboy Championships The Repton entered 24 boys to compete at 'Results Gym' in Chingford.

There were many reports of the venue being far too small and overcrowded for such a prestigious Event. A lot of Boxing fans were left outside in the cold, simply becouse there was not enough room inside. the conditions were overcrowded and uncomfortable for the spectaters and not ideal for the Boxers.

The Repton had a record entry of Junior Boxers. The 19 Boxers listed below are the boxers who won and are through to the semi finals, of when and where will be announced after the draw this Wednesday;

Junior Class A

John Lee Under 30kgs, Adaan Husain Under 32kgs, Rakim Tatou 34kgs (Box off on this Weds at Chingford against T.Ellis from Hornchurch), Jessie Beck Under 38kgs, Jamal Khan under 40 kgs, Henry Turner Under 42 kgs, Ben Gentle 57 Kgs.

Junior Class B

Michael Oats Under 34 kgs, Johnny Doran under 36 kgs, Johnny Hanrahan under 40 kgs, Tommy Ward Under 42 kgs, Jessie Dean Harris under 63 kgs.

Junior Class C

Levi Lee Under 38 kgs, Levi Coates under 40 kgs, Paddy Ward under 52 kgs, Tyrane Wynter under 54 kgs, Tommy Bell under 66 kgs, Frankie Edwards under 70kgs, Joe Moore under75 kgs.

All these Boxers won in Great Repton style and dominated these Championships. The two Boxers who deserve a mention are Paddy ward who in the opinion of Chairman Dave Robinson was the most stylish Boxer of the evening. The othe Boxer is Levi Coates who had two hard Bouts and gave his all to win both fights to become NE Div Champ. Well done all the 19 Boxers who won thier bouts !

The Semi finals are to be held at a venue in Feltham next weekend. All details will be announced after the Draw and Box-off this coming Wednesday.

Watch this space for further details on Thurday this week !

By Tech Prastish Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd


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