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...Five Repton Boys make it to The 2012 NABC Finals ! On Friday night just gone, we had our Anuual Dinner/Boxing Evening at The Prince Regent Hotel in Chigwell, against Sunderland. A Great night was enjoyed by both teams and Boxing fans wining & Dining. The result of the team match was 4-4. and the Repton had 2 winners on the undercard. It was good to see Former Repton Boxer Darren Barker at the show giving out trophies to the Boxers. Darren will next be boxing on Saturday 8th December at Alexandra Palace, London. On Saturday we had 7 Boxers in The 2012 NABC semi-Finals in Wales. The result was, we had 5 boys get through to The Finals and 2 boys, Jordan Flynn and Jordan Blake got beat. Sunny Edwards, Billy Beer, Kwaku Sarpong, Harvey Horn and James Branch are all through to The Finals.This year The finals are split. Class B Finals: Thursday 6th December Kings Hall Kingsway Stoke On Trent ST4 1HH Weigh-in: 5.30-7.30pm Boxing: 8.30pm Class C Finals: Friday 7th December Leas Cliff Hall The Leas Folkestone Kent CT20 2DZ Weigh-in: 5-7pm Boxing: 8pm For tickets contact: Geoff Cannell, 0785 413 9902 James Cullen, 0787 245 6033 Class A Finals: Sunday 9th December Irish Centre York Road Leeds LS9 9NT Weigh-in: 10am-12pm Boxing: 12.30pm The Repton have an Open Show coming up on Friday 7th December at East Ham Working Mans Club. (Details to Follow)

'10 Rounds with ReptonBC'...with Dave Odwell Dave Odwell comes from a Boxing Dynnasty. His Brother The 'Legendary' George Odwell trained hundreds of Champions over the years at The Repton and his Dad George had over 300 fights and held a record for 114 Knockouts. Dave represented England many times and was Olympic Team Captain at The Montreal Olympics in 1976. This week we catch up with Dave and offer him a chance to have '10 Rounds with Repton BC' ...Seconds out, Round one ! 1.WHO IS BEST BOXER OF ALL TIME... D.O. No brainer, all due respect to everyones opinion, Sugar Ray Robinson. Just watch some old videos! 2. BEST FIGHT YOU HAVE SEEN... D.O. got me there...I've seen so many good fights, too many to mention, amateur and pro. 3.WHO DO YOU RECKON IS THE BEST FIGHTER AROUND TODAY... D.O. ...Probably Floyd Mayweather 4. HOW MANY FIGHTS HAVE YOU HAD ...D.O. ..Not too sure around 120 5.WHERE WAS YOUR BEST FIGHT... D.O. ...The Royal Albert Hall 6. WHO WAS YOUR TOUGHEST OPPONENT...D.O. ... Some nutcase called Steadman at the ABA quarter finals, Hull. He Just loved having a scrap ! 7. WHY DID YOU TAKE UP BOXING... D.O. ..Boxing is a Family tradition 8. WHAT HAS BOXING TAUGHT YOU... D.O. ...Self discipline, humility and respect for others 9. WHY DO YOU LIKE BOXING... D.O. ...It's in my DNA ! 10. IF YOU DIDNT BOX WHAT OTHER SPORT WOULD YOU DO ? ... D.O. ..Probably Football, I'm too big for a jockey ! ...Thanks for your time Dave, Give our best wishes to George and the Family ..See you at the next 'ExRepton Boxers Re-union Party' in the New year ! Check out this link for Recent pics of Daves 60th Birthday/Boxers Re-union ...go to

Repton Boxers prepare for Busy Weekend of Action ! This weekend we have the Semi finals of the NABC's in Wales on Saturday 24th Nov and our Annual Dinner/Boxing Show at The Prince Regent Hotel in Chigwell, on Fri Night 23rd Nov. To give you a preview of the Chigwell show, Repton BC Vs Sunderland Select, I will list the Bouts of the boys matched up for Friday night's Action at The Prince Regent Hotel. Harvey Smit (Repton) V O.Price Henry Turner (Repton) V Carlo Geraldi Quie Doherty (Repton) V John Purdy Tamwir Chowdhery (Repton) V Connor McCulloch Patrick Ward (Repton) V Ryan Bamborough Joe Gentle (Repton) V Jimmy Hall Noah Stanley (Repton) V Joel Hassan George Mahoney (Repton) V Luke Radcliffe P. Wells (Repton) V Siqib Siddiqui Jessie Beck (Repton) V Albie Scopes Tommy Rolfe (Repton) V A.Ishfaq Levi Lee (Repton) V Jack Freeman The Prince Regent Hotel is at Manor rd Chigwell, IG8 8AE. Doors Open 6:30 Dinner 7:30pm Boxing 8:30pm Approx ...3 Course Meal & Boxing Tables of 8/10/12 available at £60 per ticket or Boxing ONLY Tickets £10 Adults £5 Children under 16 Pay on Door. Table Tickets Available from Barry Davenport on telephone number 07951 577 755. We are proud to announce this year we have 7 semi finalists in the NABC's. Our Boxers travelling to Wales on Saturday to compete for a place in the Finals are ; Jordan Flynn, Billy Beer, Kwaku Sarpong, Jordan Blake and Sunny Edwards. Harvey Horn and James Branch have got by's straight into the Finals. All our Boxers are looking good in the Gym and are up for it ! There you have it, lots of Boxing action this weekend for Repton Boxing Club 'Home of Champions'. Please come along and support our boys but more importantly, where ever you are Support Amateur Boxing in the UK. Next month on December 7th, we have our 'Open Class Boxing Show' at East Ham Working Mans Club. Watch this space for a preview of this show coming soon ! We wish all our Boxers the Best of Luck this weekend #NoGutsNoGlory

‘10 Rounds with Repton BC’ … This week with Lional Omar Lional Omar use to Box for the Repton between 1989 and 2003. These days he is a member of the Committee and has been a fully qualified Judge and for the last 10 years. This week he will be in the firing line for a Quick 10 Rounds with Repton BC. 1.WHO IS BEST BOXER OF ALL TIME – L.O …I have 2 favorites, Mohammed Ali/Mike Tyson 2. BEST FIGHT YOU HAVE SEEN – L.O …On TV Hagler V Hearns, the best 3 round fight I have ever seen, where Hagler stopped Hearns and in person Gatti V Ward... Gatti was the winner 3.WHO DO U RECKON IS THE BEST FIGHTER AROUND TODAY – L.O …Right now for me, its got to be Money man Floyd Mayweather 4. HOW MANY FIGHTS HAVE YOU HAD – L.O. …Can’t remember exactly. I think it was around 57 - 67 bouts 5. WHERE WAS YOUR BEST FIGHT – L.O. ...Both at the York Hall Novice finals 1993 and stopping Steve Roberts in the ABA’s 6. WHO WAS YOUR TOUGHEST OPPONENT - L.O. … I can’t remember his name, but the bout took place in South Africa, I hit him with everything I had, but he just kept on coming. I won the fight 7. WHY DID YOU TAKE UP BOXING – L.O. …To stay out of trouble! 8. WHAT HAS BOXING TAUGHT YOU – L.O. … How to focus and Discipline/RESPECT! 9. WHY DO YOU LIKE BOXING – L.O. …Skill - Endurance and one to one combat POW! 10. IF YOU DIDNT BOX WHAT OTHER SPORT WOULD YOU DO? – L.O. …Tae Kwon Do

Weekly Blog 14thNov…’Attack Dominate and Win’ What a Fantastic weekend for Repton Boxers ! On Friday 9thNovember,we sent a Squad of 12 junior Boxers to Denamark to compete in this years Multi-Nation ‘Hancock Boxcup’. My good friend Mogens Vinther kept me informed via Twitter of the daily action. On the first day there was 67 bouts taking place, in two rings. I was informed Jesse Dean Harris won his fight in style 5-0 and ready for the next day’s final. On Saturday 10 Nov. we had 12 boys taking part in the final. There was 45 bouts taking place in two rings. Result – 11 Gold Medals and 1 Silver for Repton BC ! Well Done and Congratulations to all the boys for putting in 100% Effort and earning Gold. The boys Trained Hard & Won Easy ! Below is the list of all our Repton Lads that came back with a Medal Peter Harris...Gold Medal, Jesse Beck...Gold Medal, JesseDean Harris...Gold Medal, Ben Gentle...Gold Medal, Michael Oates...Gold Medal, Levi Lee...Gold Medal, Noah Stanley...Gold Medal, Rakim Tatou...Gold Medal, Levi Coates...Gold Medal, Tyrane Wynter...Gold Medal, Gary Haffenden...Silver Medal, Jake Fallon...Gold Medal ..Total 11 Gold Medals and 1 Silver ...Job Done !! A Fantastic result for our junior squad and proof we have one of the finest Junior squads in Europe ! The NABC Quarter Finals took place on Sunday 11thNovember. Repton BC had 7 Boys through this stage. However we had 4 boys who boxed on the day and 3 boys straight through to the Semi- finals. James Branch, Kwaku Sarpong, Jordan Blake and Sunny Edwards all had cracking fights and all won their bouts, giving them a place alongside Jordan Flynn, Billy Beer and Harvey Horn at the Semi- finals in two weeks, to be held in Wales. Another Great Result for the club who dominated the NABC’s with The Repton Style and swagger ! On Monday night, Senior coach Gary Cooke took three Repton boys to box at The posh ‘Manor of Groves’ Hotel Golf & Country in Sawbridgeworth, Herts. Repton boxers George Lazaras, Alex Campbell & Rob Wells were in great shape and were well and truly up for it ! Gary tells me our boys all had great fights and showed complete commitment and winning skills to give the club 3 out of 3 wins ! Well done boys, good wins What a wonderful way to round off a superb weekend. A great start to the season for our boxers. The trick now boys, is to stay focused and be consistent. #TrainHardWinEasy #NoGutsNoGlory

This weekend has got to be the Busiest two days of the year, for our 'Repton Warriors'. We have the Junior squad 'Dirty Dozen' flying out to Denmark to participate in the Annual Danish 'Hancock BoxCup' in Skive. Whilst back in in England on Sunday with have Eight London Champions Boxing in the Quarterfinals of the NABC's on Sunday 11th November at Harlow Greyhound Stadium, The Pinnacles, Roydon Road, Harlow, Essex, CM19 5DY. You can see the Preview and full programme schedule on the following Blog Link The 'Essex Boys & Girls Club's Organisation are doing a great job of hosting these Championships. We wish our Boys the Very Best of Luck in Denmark and at Harlow on Sunday...Please come along and and cheer on The Repton Boxers on Sunday, but more importantly come along and support Amateur Boxing !

<p> </p><p class="rtecenter">'Repton BC Win 3 out of 3 Bouts'</p><p> </p><p>The National Ambition Boxing Championships (NABCs) hosted by Essex Boys and Girls Clubs reached the Regional Finals stage this weekend with boxers competing from Essex, Suffolk, Sussex, Surrey and Kent. There were also 6 London Finals to be contested at the Harlow Greyhound Stadium with everyone competing for a place in the National Quarter Finals on the 11<sup>th</sup> November.</p><p>The day began with Stephen Green (Centurions ABC) boxing Eli Saunders (Farnham Warriors). Both went all out and set the standard for the day as neither held back from trying to get their names into the Quarter Finals. Saunders just edged ahead to take the decision over Green.</p><p>Sam Malone (Rayleigh ABC) then went toe-to-toe with Hayden Bulloch (Crawley) in the Class B under 70Kg category. Malone, coming off a decent Anglian Final result, pushed on to take a majority decision which gave Essex their first winner of the day.</p><p>Aaron Spenner (Essex University) then made it two Essex winners through to the Quarters, as his work rate over Mitchell Ayling (Earlsfield) gave him the advantage. Spenner did not give his opponent any breathing space or time to think and that earned him a place in the next round.</p><p>Unfortunately Spenners stable mate Jason Veares (Essex University) could not make it two in quick succession for Gordon Charlesworth's gym as he narrowly lost to Tony Staniford (Turners Boxing Academy). Veares had damaged an ear drum at the end of the first round but battled on in another war which ended with both boxers taking heavy blows.</p><p>Billy Beer (Repton) then put on one of the performances of the day against Daniel Borode (Fisher ABC). Beer held nothing back in the first round but was closely matched by Borode, eventually the Repton boxer found his rhythm. Beers' timing and varying angles showed his class and definitely one to look out for in the Championships.</p><p>Jordan Blake (Repton) closed the show with a very impressive stoppage of Taofeek Maja (Lynn). After counter punching to a victory in his Semi-Final on the 13<sup>th</sup> October, Blake switched his tactics to an attacking barrage of jabs and crosses, giving the referee no option but to award 3 standing counts to Maja in the first round and end the bout.</p><p>Repton BC produced 8 London Champions at this stage to compete in the next round on Nov 11th.</p><p>Former WBO Super Featherweight World Champion Nicky Cook was in attendance to congratulate the boxers and present them with their medals, certificates and badges.</p><p>The Quarter Finals are being held on the 11<sup>th</sup> November at Harlow Greyhound Stadium with doors opening at 1pm and boxing starting at 2pm. This will see champions of Anglia, Sussex, Surrey and Kent face the Champions from London. 22 bouts are scheduled and guarantees some excellent boxing.</p><p>Full list of results: Winners in Bold</p><p> </p><table align="left" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width: 50px; height: 31px;"> <p><strong>Class </strong></p> </td> <td style="width: 69px; height: 31px;"> <p><strong>Weight</strong></p> </td> <td style="width: 121px; height: 31px;"> <p><strong>Name</strong></p> </td> <td style="width: 94px; height: 31px;"> <p><strong>Club</strong></p> </td> <td style="width: 141px; height: 31px;"> <p><strong>Name</strong></p> </td> <td style="width: 122px; height: 31px;"> <p><strong>Club</strong></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 50px; height: 36px;"> <p align="center">A</p> </td> <td style="width: 69px; height: 36px;"> <p>54-57Kg</p> </td> <td style="width: 121px; height: 36px;"> <p>Stephen Green</p> </td> <td style="width: 94px; height: 36px;"> <p>Centurions</p> </td> <td style="width: 141px; height: 36px;"> <p><strong>Eli Saunders</strong></p> </td> <td style="width: 122px; height: 36px;"> <p><strong>Farnham Warriors</strong></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 50px; height: 36px;"> <p align="center">A</p> </td> <td style="width: 69px; height: 36px;"> <p>57-60Kg</p> </td> <td style="width: 121px; height: 36px;"> <p>Richard Ogunwobi</p> </td> <td style="width: 94px; height: 36px;"> <p>Berry Boys</p> </td> <td style="width: 141px; height: 36px;"> <p><strong>John Brazil</strong></p> </td> <td style="width: 122px; height: 36px;"> <p><strong>Brompton</strong></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 50px; height: 39px;"> <p align="center">B</p> </td> <td style="width: 69px; height: 39px;"> <p>60-63Kg</p> </td> <td style="width: 121px; height: 39px;"> <p><strong>George Prince</strong></p> </td> <td style="width: 94px; height: 39px;"> <p><strong>Hornchurch</strong></p> </td> <td style="width: 141px; height: 39px;"> <p>George Abbot</p> </td> <td style="width: 122px; height: 39px;"> <p>Westree</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 50px; height: 39px;"> <p align="center">B</p> </td> <td style="width: 69px; height: 39px;"> <p>66-70Kg</p> </td> <td style="width: 121px; height: 39px;"> <p><strong>Sam Malone</strong></p> </td> <td style="width: 94px; height: 39px;"> <p><strong>Rayleigh</strong></p> </td> <td style="width: 141px; height: 39px;"> <p>Haydon Bulloch</p> </td> <td style="width: 122px; height: 39px;"> <p>Crawley</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 50px; height: 39px;"> <p align="center">B</p> </td> <td style="width: 69px; height: 39px;"> <p>70-75Kg</p> </td> <td style="width: 121px; height: 39px;"> <p>Lee Morfey</p> </td> <td style="width: 94px; height: 39px;"> <p>New Astley</p> </td> <td style="width: 141px; height: 39px;"> <p><strong>Nathan Lee</strong></p> </td> <td style="width: 122px; height: 39px;"> <p><strong>Strood</strong></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 50px; height: 39px;"> <p align="center">C</p> </td> <td style="width: 69px; height: 39px;"> <p>60-63.5kg</p> </td> <td style="width: 121px; height: 39px;"> <p><strong>Aaron Spenner</strong></p> </td> <td style="width: 94px; height: 39px;"> <p><strong>Essex University</strong></p> </td> <td style="width: 141px; height: 39px;"> <p>Mitchell Ayling</p> </td> <td style="width: 122px; height: 39px;"> <p>Earlsfield</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 50px; height: 39px;"> <p align="center">C</p> </td> <td style="width: 69px; height: 39px;"> <p>63.5-67Kg</p> </td> <td style="width: 121px; height: 39px;"> <p>Jason Veares</p> </td> <td style="width: 94px; height: 39px;"> <p>Essex University</p> </td> <td style="width: 141px; height: 39px;"> <p><strong>Tony Staniford</strong></p> </td> <td style="width: 122px; height: 39px;"> <p><strong>Turners Boxing Academy</strong></p> </td> </tr> </tbody></table><p> </p><p> </p><table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width: 54px;"> <p><strong>Class </strong></p> </td> <td style="width: 66px;"> <p><strong>Weight</strong></p> </td> <td style="width: 122px;"> <p><strong>Name</strong></p> </td> <td style="width: 103px;"> <p><strong>Club</strong></p> </td> <td style="width: 141px;"> <p><strong>Name</strong></p> </td> <td style="width: 122px;"> <p><strong>Club</strong></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 54px; height: 39px;"> <p align="center">A</p> </td> <td style="width: 66px; height: 39px;"> <p>54-57 Final</p> </td> <td style="width: 122px; height: 39px;"> <p><strong>Billy Beer </strong></p> </td> <td style="width: 103px; height: 39px;"> <p><strong>Repton</strong></p> </td> <td style="width: 141px; height: 39px;"> <p>Daniel Borode</p> </td> <td style="width: 122px; height: 39px;"> <p>Fisher</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 54px; height: 39px;"> <p align="center">A</p> </td> <td style="width: 66px; height: 39px;"> <p>70-75 Final</p> </td> <td style="width: 122px; height: 39px;"> <p><strong>Ernie Rutherford</strong></p> </td> <td style="width: 103px; height: 39px;"> <p><strong>Orpington</strong></p> </td> <td style="width: 141px; height: 39px;"> <p>Frankie Newman</p> </td> <td style="width: 122px; height: 39px;"> <p>Lynn</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 54px; height: 38px;"> <p align="center">B</p> </td> <td style="width: 66px; height: 38px;"> <p>57-60 Final</p> </td> <td style="width: 122px; height: 38px;"> <p><strong>Adam Chaima</strong></p> </td> <td style="width: 103px; height: 38px;"> <p><strong>Finchley</strong></p> </td> <td style="width: 141px; height: 38px;"> <p>Miles Connors</p> </td> <td style="width: 122px; height: 38px;"> <p>West Ham</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 54px;"> <p align="center">B</p> </td> <td style="width: 66px;"> <p>66-70 Final</p> </td> <td style="width: 122px;"> <p>Randall Brunyee</p> </td> <td style="width: 103px;"> <p>Bromley and Downham</p> </td> <td style="width: 141px;"> <p><strong>Yahia Chelli</strong></p> </td> <td style="width: 122px;"> <p><strong>Dale Youth</strong></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 54px; height: 41px;"> <p align="center">C</p> </td> <td style="width: 66px; height: 41px;"> <p>60-63.5 Final</p> </td> <td style="width: 122px; height: 41px;"> <p><strong>Kwaku Sarpong</strong></p> </td> <td style="width: 103px; height: 41px;"> <p><strong>Repton</strong></p> </td> <td style="width: 141px; height: 41px;"> <p>Lewis Stanley</p> </td> <td style="width: 122px; height: 41px;"> <p>Dale Youth</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 54px; height: 47px;"> <p align="center">C</p> </td> <td style="width: 66px; height: 47px;"> <p>63.5-67 Final</p> </td> </tr> </tbody></table>

…Hancock Box Cup November 2012..Update This year we have a team of 12 boys from our Junior section, Flying out to Skive Denmark to compete in The 2012 ‘Hancock Box Cup’ on the 9th10thand 11thNovember. The tournament will take place at The Resen Sports Hal, in Skive. Again this year, it will be possible for family and friends to see the fights on ‘LiveTV’ . Go to It is possible to watch the fights after they have taken place, on replay mode. Those boys are as Follows… Jessie Beck 42 kgs, Peter Protain 57 kgs, Jesse Dean Harris 60kgs, Ben Gentle 56 kgs, Michael Oats 34 kgs, Levi Lee 38 kgs, Robert Beck 48 Kgs, Noah Stanley 44kgs, Rakim Tatou 35 kgs Levi Coates 40 kgs, Tyrane Wynter 52 kgs and Gary Haffenden 33 kgs. This is an Annual Event in which our boys take on other Junior International Boxers to compete for Bronze, Silver and Gold Medals.There will also be Cups to the Best Club, The Best Boxer and The ‘Best pound for pound’ Boxer and the Best Technical Boxer ! We wish our team the Best of Luck and a safe Journey !

Impressive win for Ohara Davies ! Repton's Ohara Davies Davies had a very impressive win at the 'Novices' Pre-Quarter Finals, which took place at Feltham Community College yesterday (3rd Nov 2012) Davies launched a dominating attack on his opponent in the first round, in which the referee gave his boy a standing count. Davies Outclassed his man in a good second round with a barrage of punches from all directions. In the third round he overwhelmed his man into defeat, when the Referee stepped in and retired his opponent to stop him further punishment from the Repton Boxer's formidable onslaught ! Davies will be competing in the Quarter finals of the Novices Cup, back at Feltham collage, on a date TBC in the next couple of weeks !

NABC Quarter Finals Preview The NABC’s reach the Quarter Final stage on Sunday 11th November at Harlow Greyhound Stadium, The Pinnacles, Roydon Road, Harlow, Essex, CM19 5DY. Repton Boxing Club have 8 London Champions through to this stage of the National Championship ! There are 22 bouts scheduled in what guarantees to be an action packed-afternoon with champions from Essex, Suffolk, Sussex, Surrey and Kent battling against London’s finest. The day will start with back-to-back bouts featuring Brentwood Youth stars going up against Repton and West Ham. Jake Harrison (Brentwood Youth) with a great performance in the Anglian round, looks to keep his momentum going against West Hams Thomas Gailbraith, in the Class A under 50Kg Quarter Final. Billy Polkinghorn (Southend ABC) comes off the back of a first round stoppage win in the Anglian Finals to take on Junior ABAE Finalist Jack Brooker (Northolt ABC), which we can expect to be a great showdown. Sam Malone (Rayleigh ABC) has racked up two good wins in the Championships so far and now faces Yahia Chelli (Dale Youth). With both boxers not afraid to stand and trade punches this will be a tough bout to call, with the winner standing a good chance of going all the way to becoming National Champion. At Under 85Kg, the heaviest weight category of the day, current Junior ABAE Champion and reigning NABC Champion James Branch (Repton) will face Alfie Little (Strood ABC). The last time Branch boxed at the Harlow Stadium he was victorious in the 2011 Class A Finals, beating his opponent 26-1 to become NABC Champion. It may be that Little plans to stop the bout early with his aggressive style and Branch’s untested chin. David Moore (Billericay ABC) will kick off the first of seven Class C Championship bouts as he faces ABA Champion Gerry McDonagh (Lynn ABC). Aaron Spenner (Essex University) also hopes to be the first Essex University ABC semi-finalist as he takes on Kwaku Sarpong (Repton). Boxers will be weighing in between 11am and 1pm, with the doors opening to the public at 1pm. Boxing is scheduled to start at 2pm and is expected to finish around 7pm. Winners will go on to contest the semi-finals in Wales in a fortnights time. Below is the Running order of the Scheduled Programme Weight Name Club Name Club 44-46 Lewis Ednar Brentwood Youth Sunny Edwards Repton 48-50 Jake Harrison Brentwood Youth Thomas Gailbraith West Ham 50-52 Nicholas Tipler Chalvedon James Delaney Finchley 52-54 Billy Polkinghorn Southend Jack Brooker Northolt 54-57 Eli Saunders Farnham Warriors Billy Beer Repton 57-60 John Brazil Brompton Jordan Dhanjal Flynn Repton 60-63 Joe Kelleher Five Star Evnnis Chaima Finchely 66-70 Connor Sime Hastings West Hill Ellis Delaney West Ham Weight Name Club Name Club 48-50 Thomas Kindon Guildford City Reggie Thrower Repton 54-57 David Chalk Guildford City Archie Sharp Lynn 57-60 George Wright Southend Adam Chaima Finchley 60-63 George Prince Hornchurch and Elm Sean Robinson Hooks 63-66 Sean Noakes Westree Jordan Reynolds West Ham 66-70 Sam Malone Rayleigh Yahia Chelli Dale Youth 80-85 Alife Little Strood James Branch Repton Class C Weight Name Club Name Club 54-57 David Moore Billericay Gerry Mcdonagh Lynn 57-60 Lewis Adams Holland on Shore Sam Bezzina West Ham 60-63.5 Aaron Spenner Essex University Kwaku Sarpong Repton 63.5-67 Tony Staniford Turners Boxing Academy Jordan Blake Repton 67-71 Joe Louis D’Santos Woking Johnny Coyle Newham BC 71-75 Felix Cash Guildford City Ashley Surin Bromley and Downham

'10 Rounds with Repton BC'...This week former Repton Boxer & Current Senior Coach Gary Cooke Every week we will be asking Repton Boxers, current and from past years, to answer 10 quickfire questions about Boxing. This week former Repton Boxer & Current Senior Coach Gary Cooke will be in the firing line for '10 Rounds with Repton BC'. 1.WHO IS BEST BOXER OF ALL TIME G.C. ‘Muhammad Ali.’ 2. BEST FIGHT YOU HAVE SEEN G.C. Alexis Arguello v Ayron Pryor (1) 3.WHO DO YOU RECKON IS THE BEST FIGHTER AROUND TODAY G.C. Floyd Mayweather 4. HOW MANY FIGHTS HAVE YOU HAD G.C. About 60 plus 5.WHERE WAS YOUR BEST FIGHT G.C. The Cafe Royal 1976 London Feds Finals. I was presented with Varity club Award for fight of the night. 6. WHO WAS YOUR TOUGHEST OPPONENT G.C. Gary Williams from Barking Boxing Club. 7. WHY DID YOU TAKE UP BOXING G.C. To toughen up and channel my aggression. 8. WHAT HAS BOXING TAUGHT YOU G.C. Boxing has taught me discipline, respect and given me confidence. 9. WHY DO YOU LIKE BOXING G.C. I like amateur Boxing more than pro. I would like to see boxers slipping shots more, blocking & parring like they did years ago, get rid of the headgear & bring the art back into boxing. 10. IF YOU DIDNT BOX WHAT OTHER SPORT WOULD YOU DO? G.C. I would like to have played squash. Thanks Mark that's my 10 rounds, have a good one.

Repton Vs Sunderland Dinner/Boxing Show The 16th Annual Repton Dinner/Boxing show at The Prince Regent Hotel, Manor Rd, Chigwell Essex, has almost sold out ! However we do have 2 tables left. This years Tournament is between ReptonBC and Sunderland Select which promise's to be a cracking show ! Tickets are £60 each & includes a 3 course Dinner/Boxing/Auction. As usual it is a Black tie/Suit &tie function & Ladies are welcome. Tables can be for 8/10/12 Dinner Guests. If you do not require a table but want to just watch the Boxing, tickets are £10 Adult & £5 for under 16's. If you want a table or tickets, please contact the club on the following address & Tel Numbers Call Barry Davenport on 07951 577 755 or Club Landline Tel 0207 739 3595 (during club opening times Mon - Fri 4:30pm-7:30pm)

Weekly Blog…NABC London & Regional Finals 28th October We had 3 winners at The NABC London & Regional Finals at Harlow Greyhound Stadium, yesterday. First Repton Boxer of the evening, Billy Beer beat Daniel Barode from The Fisher club on points, in a cracking bout. Next up Kwaku Sarpong in good form beat Lewis Stanley from Dale youth, in good close contest, on points. Last on the Bill, looking in great shape, was Jordan Blake. He came out in the first round to dominate the fight right from the off. Jordan won his bout on a first round stoppage after his opponent Taofeek Maja, took 3 standing counts ! In all, including the Boxers that got by's into the next stage of the NABC's we had a grand total of 8 London Champions ! Jamie Branch, Harvey Horne, Sunny Edwards, Jordan Flynn and Reggie Turner will be competing in the next stage of the NABC's, which will be staged back at the Harlow venue on Sunday 11th November. Photo's of our boys, from this event can be seen by clicking on to the 'Photo Gallery' section of this website. Well done boys...another Great Achievement for Repton Boxing Club 'The Home of Champions'

NABC Regional Finals 28th October 2012 28th October - NABC Regional Finals There are 14 Bouts scheduled for the Anglia Versus Sussex, Surrey and Kent Finals, including 5 London Finals. Venue: Harlow Greyhound Stadium, The Pinnacles, Roydon Road, Harlow, Essex, CM19 5DY Doors open at 1pm. Boxing starts at 2pm. £15 Adults £5 Concessions The NABC Boxing championships reach the Regional Stage of the competition this weekend on Sunday 28th October. There are 9 bouts seeing the best from Anglia face Champions from Sussex, Surrey and Kent. Repton BC's, Billy Beer will be first on, boxing Daniel Barode from Fisher. Two stand out bouts are Rayleigh ABC's Sam Malone coming off the back of a victory over Chelmsford ABC's Joe Baisden faces a tough Hayden Bulloch from Crawley ABC. Essex University have two entries with Jason Veares winning in the Anglia final last weekend to progress and also Aaron Spenner boxing in the Class C under 63.5kg against Earlsfields Mitchell Ayling. Boxing sixth on the programme will be another Repton BC Boxer of useful ability, Kwaku Sapong.he will be up against Lewis Stanley. There will also be 6 NABC London Finals on the same bill. Adam Chaima (Finchley ABC) and Miles Connors (West Ham ABC) will box to become the London Champion after both progressing from their semi-finals on the 14th October. Yahia Chelli (Dale Youth) who overcame a tough toe-to-toe semi final with West Hams Douglas Doherty will surely be in another exciting bout against Bromley and Downham ABC's Randall Brunyee in the class B under 70Kg London Final. To finish the show Repton ABC's quick operator Jordan Blake will face the guts of the Lynn ABC's Taofeek Maja in what should bring a great days boxing to a close. All Winners will progress to the National Quarter Finals which are being held at Harlow Greyhound Stadium on November 11th.

It was announced at 8:29pm this evening that Boxing Legend Emanuel Steward, who trained legendary fighters Thomas Hearns, Lennox Lewis and Wladimir Klitschko among many others, died at the age of 68. As an amateur boxer, Steward won 94 of his 97 fights and a National Golden Gloves bantamweight title in 1963. He made his name as a trainer at the Kronk gym in Detroit and Hilmer Kenty became his first world champion in 1980, followed by Hearns the same year. Steward handled more world champions than any other trainer, 43 in all. Steward, who had been suffering from colon cancer, was perhaps most closely associated with Hearns, whom he first trained as an amateur at the fabled Kronk. Having built the Kronk into an amateur boxing super-power, Hearns and Kenty came close to making the 1976 Olympic team. And in March 1980, Kenty became Steward's first pro world champion when he won the WBA lightweight crown, also becoming the first world champion from Detroit since heavyweight great Joe Louis decades earlier. Under Steward, Hearns became the first boxer to win world titles in five weight divisions and engaged in classic fights with Sugar Ray Leonard, Roberto Duran and Marvin Hagler. Steward linked up with Lennox Lewis following the British heavyweight's defeat by Oliver McCall in 1994 and the partnership endured until Lewis's retirement in 2004. Steward was immediately enlisted by Wladimir Klitschko and, having lost his WBO belt to Corrie Sanders in 2003, the Ukrainian became world champion again in 2006. Steward's roster of fighters reads like a who's who of boxing greats, with Wilfred Benitez, Julio Cesar Chavez, Oscar de la Hoya, Evander Holyfield, Mike McCallum and James Toney also trained by him. Other British greats trained by Steward, who was inducted into the International Hall of Fame in 1996, are former light-heavyweight world champion Dennis Andries and former featherweight world champion Naseem Hamed.